Skeptic Apr 19, 2020 - It can be difficult to believe in a God we cannot see. We wonder why God doesn’t answer our prayers, why God allows suffering, or why we can’t feel His presence. God may not meet all of our expectations, but that’s actually good news. In this series, we'll discuss four different versions of “God” which don’t exist—they’re fabrications people often want to believe about the nature of God. But when we start to put God in a box, we create him into a version that does not exist. In This Series Why Do Bad Things Happen?May 17, 2020 | Chad Moore Sometimes we see all the pain in the world and think God must not be good, or if He is He must not be all powerful. Maybe he doesn’t exist at all. But, if God is real doesn’t it make sense that He would do things we don’t understand? God is not heartless, He is good. Sin is heartless and we live in the broken world of free will and consequence. Life is hard. God is good. The BibleMay 10, 2020 | Robert Watson Why can’t we always feel the love of God? Shouldn’t we always be overwhelmed with His love and presence? The Bible teaches that real trust is not based on feelings, but on facts. At some point we must move beyond emotion to real trust beyond what we feel or see. Our greatest moments of faith are not in exalted times of worship and emotion, but when we feel nothing and choose to do what God says anyway. ScienceMay 03, 2020 | Robert Watson Some believe that if they really trust God and do what he says then they can never have any fun and life will be miserable. God is just waiting for us to mess up because he gets a secret thrill in punishing wrongdoers. The truth is all pleasure ultimately comes from God. He created joy, fun, sex, Jesus’ first miracle was he turned water into wine. Pain exists outside the will of God. While the greatest joys and contentment are found in the center of His will. The Gift of DoubtApr 26, 2020 | Chad Moore If we worship a God who loves us and who can do all things, why doesn’t He do them when and how we ask? It’s a great question. But, God is not Aladdin. He is the Almighty God. He loves us, but he doesn’t work for us. Like all loving Fathers he doesn’t give his children everything they ask for. He sees what we can’t see, He knows what we don’t know and we can trust him. The ResurrectionApr 19, 2020 | Chad Moore You can’t have faith without doubt. In fact, doubt is a prerequisite for faith. Faith is not about conclusive proof, but convincing evidence. Faith in God, specifically in Jesus is about the evidence. Can we take the witnesses at their word? Faith in God is the same, can we take him at his word? All relationships are about trust. The existence trust by definition, means there will be doubt.