Watch This Message From Pastor Chad



Rooted is a group experience designed to connect you to God, the church, and your purpose. Together, in a group of people from all walks of life, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer and serve experiences, share stories, and practice rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life.

Rooted is not just another group or curriculum; it is proven to change the way you experience church, discipleship, and life itself. Rooted groups introduce you to the 7 Rhythms of a Disciple—a framework based on the timeless wisdom of Acts 2.

  • Daily Devotion
  • Prayer
  • Freedom from Strongholds
  • Serve Your Community
  • Sacrificial Generosity
  • Share Your Story
  • Celebration

These are the foundation of the Rooted experience - when we commit to practicing these rhythms in the context of community, we see growth and transformation in both our personal lives and in our communities.




We have seen thousands of people go through Rooted here at Sun Valley, and it has been life-changing. Watch this!


Welcome to Rooted and the next chapter of your story. Our goal for this experience is for you to deepen your connection with God, His Church, and your purpose in the epic story He is writing through human history.

Have you ever asked this question? For all of time, people have been seeking to understand the nature, attributes, and character of God and what it means for us today.

Dig deeper with us as we look at the ways in which people can hear and feel God and the Holy Spirit move in our lives.

Every one of our lives is touched by the reality of hardship and suffering. You are not alone. As followers of Jesus, what should our response be and what truth can we hold onto?

The spiritual realm and the enemy are real. If you want to find freedom from the strongholds in your life, the Bible has great wisdom for finding a breakthrough.

What happens when your values, passions, and skills intersect with your purpose? God has given all of us unique gifts and talents to be used in His Church, and we hope to help you experience them fully.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to a lifestyle of service. God wants to use us to bring his grace and mercy to the world - will you take up the call?

What you own is actually on loan. When we follow Jesus, He invites us to invest in the work God is already doing in the world around us. Our lives should be marked by sacrifice and generosity.

Knowing God’s story and telling your own is a vital part of being a follower of Jesus. We want to help you put that into practice as you share your faith with others.

Do you feel like you belong to the Church? Responding to God in your life and maturing in Christ is a lifelong journey we are all on together.


Rooted is a catalyst for life change through discussion in a small group environment, a safe space for biblical exploration, and practical learning experiences. The weekly readings and gatherings will teach you what it means to be a disciple of Jesus through Scripture, prayer, worship, generosity, and service.

Rooted is for anyone who wants to grow in their spiritual walk with Jesus. Whether you are new to following Jesus, have been following him for years, or are just beginning to explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus, Rooted will help you connect with God, the church, and your purpose.

Some groups will have childcare available. Please check the registration page for details.

On-Campus and In-Home Rooted groups will meet at various times and locations. Visit the registration page for more details.

Rooted is a large time commitment, but we believe it will be worthwhile for you to invest in the entire process. It includes daily readings and reflections in your Rooted book, weekly group gatherings, and participation in a Prayer Experience and group Serve Experience. The Rooted journey is cumulative, so we ask every participant to honor each other by attending every meeting. Don’t worry if you miss a week, the experience is also about your daily journaling and reading in the Rooted Journal, helping to create the 7 Rhythms.

The cost is $20 per person and will cover the cost of your course materials.

If you want to facilitate a Rooted group, our team would love to meet you and discuss the next steps. Please click here to let us know if you are interested in leading a group.

Let us know how we can help you! Click here to contact us.